Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Books - An Essential Good

My spiritual life includes books - reading, studying, and writing. I believe it is just as important to nourish the mind as it is to nourish the body.

“In France, books are considered an essential good like electricity, bread, and water.”[1]

            Pamela Druckerman

I love books - every kind of book. I love the way books smell and feel and look. I love the ideas and wisdom we can find in books. I love it when an author tells an inspiring story, or makes me laugh out loud.

At age ten, I finally learned to read. (Many years later, it was discovered that I have dyslexia.) Once I learned to read, the world was mine through books. I found my first library. Since then, libraries have been a never-ending source of wonder and joy. During my childhood I spent summer afternoons reading in a tree house in the eucalyptus tree, which grew two blocks from my house. Wonderful tree scents, beautiful warm skies, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and books, books, books - it was heavenly.

I am a pushover for books, and have purchased hundreds for my personal library collection and presents.  When the shelves become too full, I donate books to the library, or share them with family and friends.

In principle, I’m against book censorship, by a person, school, business, religion, or political entity. When choosing children’s literature, I concentrate on the child’s chronological age and reading level. When taking children to the library, we go to the children’s section. Then I let them choose their own books.

Every day, I celebrate literacy, learning, and loving books. Yes, in my world, in my spiritual life, books are an essential good.


1. Billboard, Kahn & Keville Tire & Auto Service, 500 Turk Street, San Francisco, CA, seen January 20, 2015.

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